The story of Tibet is the story from Quality to Leadership...

As the pioneering soap,cosmetics and toiletries manufacturing industry of Bangladesh, Kohinoor Chemical Company (Bangladesh) LTD. has all along ensured to introduce standard, exciting and value-added innovations in beauty care products. As a result, Tibet products of KCCL have assumed substantial market shares and all of its products have already achieved the leading position.
Manufactured packed and marketed in an envious leadership quality, enriched by its long experience and expertise,Tibet products have through years,retained its matchless popularity among consumers at large, from urban to rural, from affluent to the middle class, from tender-age to the age-old and from feminine to masculine instincts alike. The quality and precision that make the cosmetics enviously popular at home have reasons to earn equal appeal and appreciation abroad, since quality knows no boundary or geographic distance. As the world tends to come increasingly closer and the distance unbelievably shorter, let's lighten our seatbelts to adjust with the principal elements of trade beyond our national boundaries,That's precisely why, after taking over this potential enterprise from state control in 1993, we kept on rather disproportionately investing to acquire new and state-of-the-art technology and reinvigorate our HRD section. Our aim has all along been to retain our market leadership at home and look out for markets abroad.

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